(Proper Order and Sanctity of Holy Family Life and Holy Mother Church)
The Holy Ghost (dove) overshadows the angel guardian. He wraps his wings in a protective veiling around the Holy Family. Saint Joseph veils and protects Jesus and Mary as the guardian of the home. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the guardian of the child with her veil wrapped tightly around baby Jesus, as she crushes a desert snake under her foot. Jesus peeps out of Mary’s veil full of joy, while holding a precious pearl. Jesus is, “The Pearl of Great Price” and the guardian Savior of our souls.
The upper left illustrates the Old Testament tabernacle of Moses. God gave Moses very specific directions on how to build the tabernacle. The tent was covered in various layers of cloth. The inside of the tent was divided into two rooms set apart by a veil; The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies safeguarded the Ark of the Covenant which held the manna, the Ten Commandment tablets, and the rod of Aaron. This specification of the tabernacle built by Moses was the blueprint for the future building of the holy temple by King Solomon.
Holy Mother Church carried these traditions forward through the teachings and guidance of the church fathers and the faithful. Therefore, to the upper right, is the New Testament holy sanctuary of a Catholic Church. The veiled tabernacle at the center of the sanctuary, safeguards the Holy Eucharist which is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The holy altar is veiled by an altar cloth. Traditionally, the chalice is veiled too. An altar rail may encircle the sanctuary as a type of visual cue and corporal guardian of the reality of Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist. It also serves as a means for the faithful to receive Jesus in a reverent, kneeling manner during the reception of the Holy Communion.
Etched inside the Angel’s sword, is the silhouette of Mary holding Jesus close to her heart. The shining light of the sun envelops her and Baby Jesus. Seven heads of an angry dragon beneath Jesus and Mary try to devour them without success. Saint Joseph’s staff is capped with lilies symbolizing purity, modesty, and chastity.
Overall, from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, holy and sacred things are veiled. Sinless flesh and spiritual food are veiled in wheat, water and wine. Also, sinless flesh and spiritual food are veiled in the Holy Family. The safety of Holy Family Life and Holy Mother Church are guarded and veiled in Jesus’ Love and an orderly unfolding of holy sanctifying mystery.